Friday, August 19, 2022

Welcome Back!

We are looking forward to welcoming our educators and learners back in a few weeks to start the 2022-2023 school year. We have a lot to be proud of in the Rugby Public School District. We continue to score above state averages in reading, math, ACT, and graduation rates. We continue to be a leader in the region in core student outcome indicators for reading and math. We hope you enjoyed the summer break with your family! I’d like to share a few updates related to our schools in Rugby.

Career and Technical Education Updates

Beyond our success in core academics, I’d like to highlight our wonderful Career and Technical Education Programs. We are proud of our Agriculture Education programming in Rugby, the coursework provides important lifelong skills for our learners. These programs are led by Ms. Kristi Tonnessen and Mr. Isaac Ripplinger. FFA is a national student organization that is connected to our Agriculture Education courses. We continually perform very well in regional, state, and national events in FFA. This past year, our Ag Technology and Mechanical Systems Team took home the national championship in Indianapolis. This team consisted of Thatcher Volk, Zach Jaeger, Kordell Kraft, and Carson Mattern. Earlier this summer, twelve additional students qualified for next year’s national conference.

We are excited to announce a full course listing of Family and Consumer Science courses for our high school students. Available courses include Clothing and Design I and II, Family Living, Independent Living, Child Development I and II, and FACS Grade 7.

In conjunction with these courses, we have also started a Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) chapter this past year. These programs will be under the direction of Mrs. Brittany Lovcik.

Finally, our Business Education programming provides a plethora of offerings for our students in Rugby. These courses include Desktop Publishing, Word Processing, Business Fundamentals, Web Design, Entrepreneurship, and Cooperative experiences within local businesses. These programs are led by Mrs. Paola Trottier. Like the above-mentioned programs, Business Education also has an active student organization called Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). This past summer, we sent two students to the FBLA National Conference and Tambrey Brossart took home first place in Digital Citizenship in front of 14,000 people in Chicago!

Career and Technical Education (CTE) are important programs for students in Rugby, and as you can see, they also perform at high levels. These programs provide students with experiences that help shape their decisions about post-secondary education. We know that four-year colleges may not always be the right option due to the amount of student debt incurred. Two-year and certificate programs are great options for students, and we continue to see a high percentage of graduates that choose this career path. CTE programs help provide learners with experiences that help them choose a career. 91% of our 2022 graduating class will go on to post-secondary education, 40% will attend a two-year or certificate program, 31% will attend one of the four-year research institutions in our state (NDSU or UND), 8% will attend a four-year regional college, and 8% will attend an out of state four-year institution. 

Ely Elementary Addition Update

Construction began on the addition and renovation of Ely Elementary this past July. The area around Ely will be a bustling construction zone for the next 18 months and we will be making some adjustments to parking and drop-off/pick-up at the school. Mr. Gullickson will be communicating a plan in the coming days. Phase 1 of the project will focus mainly on the new construction on the west and north sides of the school. A new kitchen and commons area will be added on the west side of the school, along with a relocation of the main office, and an expansion to the gym on the north side of the school. Phase 2 will begin in April 2023 with renovations to the existing areas of the school. Please bear with us as we complete these needed updates, we know that this will be a congested area until we can get the parking lot and the bus turnaround completed.

Mental Health Counseling / School Nurse

We will continue to provide trained experts on mental health for our students. Our school district will provide individual and group therapy for students at the Rugby Early Learning Center, Ely Elementary, and Rugby High School. If you are concerned about your child’s behavior(s) please contact your respective school to get more information on this program. A school nurse will be contracted for the 2022-2023 school year, you can contact Sam Wentz at 701-776-6783.

Health and Safety Plan

We are required to update our Health and Safety Plan in response to COVID-19 until 2024. The school board approved the updated plan on August 9th. You can access the full plan here:

Important Dates

Parent Teacher Conferences:

October 17, 18, 2022 and February 13, 14, 2023 for Ely Elementary and October 17, 18, 2022 and March 13, 14, 2023 for Rugby High School.

Report Cards

Ely Elementary

Rugby High School

Report Cards

Progress Reporting

Report Cards

Progress Reporting


(Sent w/ students)


(PT Conferences)




(PT Conferences)


(Sent w/ students)


(Sent w/ students


(Mailed home)


(Mailed home)


(PT Conferences)


(PT Conferences)

Contact info

You can follow me on Twitter at @mdmcneff and visit my blog at for current school-related articles or news. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions at (701)776-5201 or send me an email at

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