2013-2014 Late Start
All teachers will have the same designated time
for PLC work on Wednesday at 8:00AM-8:50AM.
· Classes in grades K-12 will begin at 9:00AM.
· Develop consistency and equity in PLC time across all areas.
· Allow for teacher teams to address the following areas.
o Curriculum (What do we want all students to know and be able to do?)
§ Current Curriculum overload =“The goal is to teach 35 things briefly not 10 things well”
o Assessments (Develop quality formative assessments – that take a snapshot of the learning as they progress to the goal)
§ Move away from the autopsy and move toward the physical as a means of assessment.
o Instruction - Research best practice
· Vertical alignment of curriculum and instruction
· To develop systematic approach to learning and lack of learning
· Develop communication systems across grade levels, subject areas, and buildings.
· Establish a guaranteed and viable curriculum
o Guaranteed – Assures us that specific content and skills are taught in specific courses and at specific grade levels
o Viable – Indicates that there is enough instructional time available to actually teach the content identified as important.
· Transition from Ely Elementary to the High School
· The work is guided by the four essential questions
· Classes in grades K-12 will begin at 9:00AM.
· Develop consistency and equity in PLC time across all areas.
· Allow for teacher teams to address the following areas.
o Curriculum (What do we want all students to know and be able to do?)
§ Current Curriculum overload =“The goal is to teach 35 things briefly not 10 things well”
o Assessments (Develop quality formative assessments – that take a snapshot of the learning as they progress to the goal)
§ Move away from the autopsy and move toward the physical as a means of assessment.
o Instruction - Research best practice
· Vertical alignment of curriculum and instruction
· To develop systematic approach to learning and lack of learning
· Develop communication systems across grade levels, subject areas, and buildings.
· Establish a guaranteed and viable curriculum
o Guaranteed – Assures us that specific content and skills are taught in specific courses and at specific grade levels
o Viable – Indicates that there is enough instructional time available to actually teach the content identified as important.
· Transition from Ely Elementary to the High School
· The work is guided by the four essential questions
What do
we want students to know and be able to do? (Working on 2012-13 school year)
o How will we know if they are learning?
o How will we respond when they are not learning?
o What will we do if they already know the material?
· Para-professionals will oversee the students that must arrive early.
· If students must come early – we will designate a place and supervise these areas with non-teaching staff
· Buses will drop off 20 minutes later on Wednesday – cleared with Hartley’s
· Once a month – vertical team meetings (Ex. Grades 9-12 meet, Grades 5-8 teachers meet, Grades K-4 meet, ) – via Skype/Google Hangout to fix transportation problems.
· No meetings will take place on Wednesday’s from 8:00AM to 9:00AM
o How will we know if they are learning?
o How will we respond when they are not learning?
o What will we do if they already know the material?
· Para-professionals will oversee the students that must arrive early.
· If students must come early – we will designate a place and supervise these areas with non-teaching staff
· Buses will drop off 20 minutes later on Wednesday – cleared with Hartley’s
· Once a month – vertical team meetings (Ex. Grades 9-12 meet, Grades 5-8 teachers meet, Grades K-4 meet, ) – via Skype/Google Hangout to fix transportation problems.
· No meetings will take place on Wednesday’s from 8:00AM to 9:00AM
Method of
communicating to public
· Series of articles establishing the why in the newspaper.
· Series of meetings held in the community at various times to discuss why we need this change.
· Series of articles establishing the why in the newspaper.
· Series of meetings held in the community at various times to discuss why we need this change.
· This will be roughly 9-10 total hours of time over the course of the year.
· DPI stated that we will not have to make up time due to changes in seat time rules.
· Parents – we will work with parents to alleviate any issues with the change of the school day.
o Parents will be allowed to drop students off if they have to at both schools.
· 36 weeks x 50 minutes = 30 hours or almost 4 days of quality ongoing PD for teachers that happens during the school day.
· This will be roughly 9-10 total hours of time over the course of the year.
· DPI stated that we will not have to make up time due to changes in seat time rules.
· Parents – we will work with parents to alleviate any issues with the change of the school day.
o Parents will be allowed to drop students off if they have to at both schools.
· 36 weeks x 50 minutes = 30 hours or almost 4 days of quality ongoing PD for teachers that happens during the school day.