I need your help!
Five years ago we started a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). We have had several parents take part in these PAC meetings. We typically organize four meetings each school year and try to target dates that do not conflict with other activities. These meetings usually last around an hour.
These meetings have opened communication between our school district and parents. The topics you can expect at these meetings are insight on current initiatives, feedback from you on our school programs, and a book discussion (you don’t have to read the book to participate).
Please go to the link below if you are interested in taking part in this opportunity.
Parent Advisory Membership Link: http://tinyurl.com/qhsf5vn
We are looking to schedule our first meeting date in November. If you are interested in taking part in a conversation to improve our schools please visit the link above by October 5, 2018.
Parents play a key role in their child’s success in school. I am looking forward to hearing feedback from you and building better relationships within our school community.