We had a great day of learning for our staff yesterday. We hosted Rick Wormeli and his topic was on standards-based assessment and grading. Rick was able to provide clarity and continued to challenge our thinking. Here are the major ideas that resonated with me:
- We should separate Advanced from our scale. You cannot be advanced on a standard you can only meet the standard. This should be reported separately.
- Don't falsify grades. We should separate behavior and homework from the grade. Responsibility, lateness, disrespect, and not turning in homework should not pollute the grade. These items should be reported separately.
- Section out your summative tests by the standard and actually label the standard or multiple standards that are being assessed throughout the assessment. Student may retake portions.
- We need to become more evidentiary. Show me the evidence. Show me that you know the material. Be very clear and upfront with the evidence you are seeking.
- We have to approach each new learning goal like it is the first time the student has seen the content.
- Shrink the grading scale - review the 100 point scale. For example: A, B, C, D, (Remove the F) and ad No Evidence Presented or Not There Yet.
- Think of standards-based grading as a GPS - we reach the destination together.
- Never use group learning to grade one student.
- Allow redos and retakes on our Powerstandards.
- No Zeros. If it is important enough to assign then it is important enough to do.
- Formative assessment should be used only for descriptive feedback. Formative assessment should not be graded.
- No mention of quality and no judgement when providing descriptive feedback.
- You can learn without grades, but you can't learn without feedback.
- Good feedback causes thinking.
- Ego involving feedback does nothing to improve their progress on a standard. Feedback like good job, excellent, and smiley faces does nothing or may impede their progress.
- When feedback is descriptive and is not ego involving students do better.
- "It's what students carry forward, not what they demonstrated during the unit of learning, that is most in indicative of true proficiency." - Rick Wormeli
- Nobody cares what you teach - they care about what students carry forward.
- "Nobody knows ahead of time how long it takes anyone to learn anything." -Yung Tae Kim
- Repeat previously assessed items on future tests if they are Powerstandards.
- Assessment means to sit beside.
- "A 'D' is a coward's 'F.' The student failed, but you didn't have enough guts to tell him." -Doug Reeves
- Reiteration is a huge part of competence.
- Real time / Meaningful feedback is important to progress.
- Review policies that may impede standards-based learning.